Key rules of English composition writing

Key rules of English composition writing

Writing a composition does not necessarily require math accuracy, nor does it necessitate memorizing a variety of formulas. This article will provide you with some helpful hints on how to write the best PSLE English composition possible. 

Get your hands on the previous year's compositions. 

Examine the top compositions from previous exams. Making a collection of all the high-scoring compositions from previous years is one of the best things you can do. Examine the compositions for a recurring pattern. How are the compositions divided into paragraphs, what linking words are used, how is the grammar handled, and so on? If you are friendly with the parents of high-scoring students, you may request access to their child's composition or online PSLE English tuition tutors. 

Make your child copy the model compositions.

Text copying is one of the most effective ways to learn a new language. When the child copies the model composition, they internalize grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and other skills. These compositions can be found in many good practice books. Alternatively, the child can write original compositions on various topics and submit them to an English tutor or teacher for feedback. After the tutor has finished correcting the composition, the child can rewrite it while taking all of the tutor's notes into account. This will assist them in learning to avoid grammatical or spelling errors that they may have internalized over time.

The composition's main body.

The body paragraph(s) are the most important parts of the essay. Because this is where the action takes place, it must be as clear as possible. The child will receive a low grade if the sentences are incoherent. Write in short, simple sentences to convey your message as clearly as possible. If you're not sure how to use a big word or a long idiom, it's best not to risk it and instead use a simple substitute. There is no point in simply writing down the vocabulary if you cannot use it appropriately. Spend a few minutes planning out what you're going to write. Make a rough outline of the story; don't make it up as you go along.

Don't forget about punctuation.

Commas, apostrophes, full stops, exclamation points, question marks, and so on. The following may seem insignificant to you, but the examiner may deduct a couple of points from the composition if punctuation rules are not followed. So, once you've finished writing, go back and read it all from the beginning, making any necessary changes that are necessary.

Examine your work.

You may think that your job is done once you have finished writing.

Think again. When the creative part of the brain has finished its work, it is time for the critical part of the brain to take over. Reread your composition for grammatical or spelling errors, then reread it again to ensure you haven't used some of the words too many times; if you have, consider a synonym that could replace them. Check that the sentences are logically connected to one another (you may use words such as however, although, also, etc.).