
Extend Your Child's
Learning at Home

Because learning should never stop. Existing user? Enjoy 20% discount on all subjects using your Security Bank Mastercard debit or credit card.

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a Bonding Experience!

Go through the courses and learn together as a family.

Challenge your children and explore more advance courses to get them ready for the coming school year.

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Learn from Excellent
Singapore-based Educators

Our team of highly qualified and experienced tutors combine both knowledge and humour to ensure students get the best attention to ace the exams!

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Use it as a Supplement to Enrich Lessons in School

We value the importance of schooling. These video courses aim to support your child's learning and are not intended to replace any form of formal education.

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curriculum & demo videos







Make the Journey Count

Track your child’s learning journey through guided assessment videos. Data dashboards will share recommendations on how your child can do better.

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