Esters - 88tuition

Esters - 88tuition



Both esters and ethers are considered to be functional groups in the category of organic chemical compounds. Classifying chemicals allows us to examine their features in the larger context of the group to which they belong. Both esters and ethers belong to functional groups of chemicals that find widespread use in industry and human life.

Esters and ethers are structurally different compounds.

To fully form its characteristic structure, an ester group needs two carbon atoms and two oxygen atoms, whereas an ether group just needs one of each. It just takes 1 oxygen atom and 2 carbon atoms to form an ether group.

Concept of Ether

It is an organic compound with two alkyl or aryl groups bonded to the oxygen atom (O). Alkyl ethers are the simplest type of ether, consisting of just two very small alkyl groups connected to an O atom. The alkyl groups must be mentioned in alphabetical order in their nomenclature, and the word "ether" must be included at the conclusion.

An n-butyl methyl ether, for instance, is an ether that also has a methyl group linked to an O-atom. It's true that ethers may dissolve a broad variety of materials, both polar and nonpolar.

Most importantly, this is because there is no network of hydrogen (H) bonds that must be broken in order for the solute to be dissolved. Thus, water is the preferred solubilizing medium for nonpolar compounds.

Structure of Ether

It has an O-atom that is connected to 2 alkyl or aryl groups. The expected shape of ethers should be tetrahedral. The oxygen (O) in ether has a sp3 hybridization, as well as the 2 lone pairs, are in 2 hybridized orbitals, with 2 participating in bonding with R groups. R-O-R'.The bond angle is around 104.5°, which is comparable to water (H2O).

What is Etherification?

 It is the act or process of producing ether; especially, the transformation of a large volume of alcohol into the ether with the use of a tiny portion of sulfuric (H2SO4), or ethyl sulfuric, acid. This is often done with aliphatic and aromatic alcohols (phenols). In the situation of simple aliphatic alcohol, acid catalysis produces the ether.  The Williamson synthesis is utilized in more difficult instances for several phenols: 

Concept of Ester

It is an organic product formed when an oxoacid reacts with a hydroxyl component (such as alcohol or phenol). It is similar to a carboxylic acid in that the hydrogen (H) atom of the -COOH group has been replaced with an alkyl or aryl group. Since esters cannot create hydrogen (H) bonds with one another. They can, however, generate H-bonds between the O-atoms in their bodies as well as the H-atoms in water (H2O) molecules. As a result, esters are only marginally soluble in water (H2O).

Additionally, unlike the comparable carboxylic acid, an ester has a fruity odor. Indeed, they are responsible for the odor of many fruits; for instance, ethyl ethanoate gives pineapple its odor. As a result of this phenomenon, esters are now used in the food sector.

However, the esters utilized in a product to provide the desired fruity fragrance are not the same substance found in nature. Nonetheless, it can have the same flavor but also odor. Furthermore, while the chemical is not the same as in the original fruit, eating these food products is not harmful since the ester structure is quite similar to that of the natural substance.

Structure of Ester

It has one O-atom which is double bonded to a C-atom which is again connected to O-atom which is linked to C-atom. They are polar compounds, although their boiling temperatures are less than those of equal-weight carboxylic acids. They exhibit tetrahedral geometry and the central C-atom of ester has sp3 hybridization. 

What is Esterification?

Ester formation is an equilibrium reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. Similarly, acyl chlorides (acid chlorides) and alcohols, or acid anhydrides and alcohols, can be used to produce esters. In the presence of alcohol, carboxylic acid reacts to generate an ester. There are three distinct mechanisms through which esterification can take place.

  1. by adding ethanol to carboxylic acid.

  2. by combining acid chloride with alcohol

  3. by reacting alcohol with acid anhydride

Difference between Ester and Ether



It is a class of organic compounds produced from organic acids in which at least 1 -OH group has been replaced by a -O groups

It is a class of chemical compounds that include the ether group -O that connects 2 alkyl or aryl groups.

Its chemical formula is RCOOR'.

Its chemical formula is .

The functional group in ester is -COO, commonly known as the ester group.

The functional group in ether is -O, commonly known as the alkoxy group.

A carbonyl group exists in esters.

They have no carbonyl group.

According to IUPAC guidelines, esters are suffixed with '-ate.'

Alkoxy alkanes are ethers.

Carboxylic acids are used to make esters.

Alcohol is the source of ethers.

They have a fruity fragrance.

They have a distinct alcoholic odor.

Because of the presence of the carbonyl group, esters are more polar than ethers.

They have a lower polarity than esters.

They have a lower boiling point than carboxylic acids and alcohols of the same weight.

They have a lower boiling point than esters, carboxylic acids, as well as alcohols of the same weight.

Because of the presence of a carbonyl group, esters do not have symmetrical structures.

If the alkyl but also aryl groups attached to the O-atoms are comparable, ethers can be symmetrical.

They are extensively used in the food sector to improve product flavor but also odor.

They are often employed as solvents in pharmaceuticals.

It includes methyl acetate, ethyl propionate, and others.

It includes methoxy ethane, phenoxy benzene, and others.


The primary distinction between ester vs ether is that ester is an organic product created by the interaction of carboxylic acid with an alcohol, whereas ether is an organic complex composed of carbon (C), and oxygen (O), and carbon (C) atoms. An ester is an organic molecule formed by the reaction of an oxoacid with a hydroxyl component. An ether, on the other hand, is an organic molecule that contains an O-atom in addition to 2 alkyl or aryl groups. The primary distinction between ester as well as ether is that ester has a functional group of -COO, whereas ether has a functional group of -O

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are ethers photostable?

Ethers are highly sensitive to light because they produce explosive peroxides when combined with oxygen (O) in the presence of light. Because ultraviolet light (UV) is harmful to ethers, they must be stored in amber containers, which are brown in color.

2. What reagent is used to reduce carbonyl groups?

Esters, carboxylic acids, amides, and other functional groups containing carbonyl groups are reduced by LiAlH4. It does not affect non-polar bonding. Ethers have nonpolar bonding and no carbonyl group. As a result, it cannot be decreased by LiAlH4.

3. What is transesterification?

Transesterification involves the replacement of the ester's organic functional group R′′ with the alcohol's organic functional group R'.

A catalyst, often an acid or a base, is added to speed up these reactions.